“We Have Come, We Are Death: Army Lists for Planetary Annihilation

I’m a fan of redundancy, as well as themes, in my army lists. The following lists draw heavily on the tendency of each side, both Loyalist and Traitor, of completely leveling the worlds held by the other. As such, each of these lists contains as much firepower as I could cram into 3,000 points.

This first list is based on the depictions of the Dreadwing in Angels of Caliban. I’ll freely admit I’m awful at writing lists for the Dark Angels so I had Jesse Ervin’s help with making this list work.

HQ: Delegatus + combat shield + melta bombs + charnabal saber 85 pts

ROW- Ironwing Protocol

ELITES: Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon-

Cortus Dread + heavy conversion beamer + twin-linked lascannon 195 pts

Cortus Dread + 2x kheres assault cannon + havoc launcher 180 pts

Cortus Dread + 2x kheres assault cannon + havoc launcher 180 pts

Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought Talon-

Cortus Dread + heavy conversion beamer + twin-linked lascannon 195 pts

Cortus Dread + 2x kheres assault cannon + havoc launcher 180 pts

TROOPS: Tactical Squad + extra CCWs + vexilla + artificer armor, melta bombs, and calibanite warblade(sergeant) 180 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

Tactical Squad + extra CCWs + vexilla + artificer armor, melta bombs, and calibanite warblade(sergeant) 180 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

Tactical Support Squad + 4x marines 160 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

HEAVY SUPPORT: Predator Strike Squadron-

3x Predator Tanks + magna-melta cannons + pintle multi melta + machine spirit 480 pts

Predator Strike Squadron-

3x Predator Tanks + heavy bolter sponsons + pintle mounted heavy bolters 315 pts

Sicaran Omega Tank Destroyer Squadron-

2x Sicaran Omega tanks + lascannon sponsons 520 pts

So the Ironwing Protocol ROW gives some pretty impressive boosts to otherwise basic units. Those tank squadrons are all BS5 and your tac and support squads are getting +1 to their wound rolls. But what really shines in this list is the dreadnoughts. Conversion beamers and assault cannons have always been good; but with Tank Hunter, they’re terrifying.

This next list is….weird. Blackshields don’t generally field armor heavy lists, but for these guys, the idea is a force that’s cleansing a world of a demonic taint, Exterminatus-style, or completely purging an area so they can set up a pirate base or pick through the rubble for loot.

Wrought By War- Orphans of War

HQ:Siege Breaker + refractor field + 1x phosphex bomb + melta bombs + charnabal saber 145 pts

ELITES: Destroyer Squad + 5x destroyers + melta bombs + psykout grenades + 2x rad missile launchers 340 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

Destroyer Squad + 5x destroyers + melta bombs + psykout grenades + 2x rad missile launchers 340 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

TROOPS: Marauder Squad + 5x marines + 2x pariah flamers + powerfist and melta bombs(marauder chief) 225 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

Marauder Squad + 5x marines + 2x pariah flamers + powerfist and melta bombs(marauder chief) 225 pts

Rhino Armored Carrier + multi melta 50 pts

Tactical Support Squad 100 pts

Tactical Support Squad + 1x marine 115 pts

Tactical Support Squad + 1x marine + melta guns 205 pts

FAST ATTACK: Outrider Squad + melta bombs + twin-linked plasma guns 180 pts

HEAVY SUPPORT: Land Raider Squadron-

3x Land Raider Achilles + 3x pintle multi melta + 3x Phosphex Canister shot 930 pts

This list is uncompromising. You’ll be piling wounds onto Demons and Mech armies with the phosphex and rad missiles and burning through armor with melta fire, to say nothing of the pariah flamers putting down torrent templates left and right. Your support squads can camp in the land raiders until you’re close enough to do things with them.

Note: Some of you might read these lists and thingk, “But Jared, aren’t you just writing OP lists that spam shooty units?” Well…yes and no. 30K is in a state of flux as far as the meta goes. You’re likely to see more and more demon and horde type armies on the field. Anyone who approaches this game thinking it’s all astartes vs astartes is going to be in for a rude awakening. Demons in particular are going to bring lesser used units and wargear back into style, while gunline type armies are going to suffer. I’m generalizing, I know, but I don’t want anyone to be afraid to get weird with their list writing.

As always, thanks for your time.


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