Our Patreon is now Live!

Hello everybody!
First off, on behalf of everybody here at The Remembrancers’ Retreat, I want to thank each and every one of you who listens, comments, and shares our podcast!

Doing this podcast is a second hobby to me, and it’s been really awesome seeing it take off the way it has.

That being said, like every hobby, there are costs that come along with it, like file hosting fees and recording equipment.

We are constantly looking forward, making this show as high quality as possible, and we are always looking for feedback.

I’d also like to announce that we now have a Patreon account!

If you feel inclined to pitch in, we are certainly grateful!

Thanks again for your listener-ship, and here’s to the next stage of our Podcast!

Keep your dice rolling! – Jesse


#horusheresy #warhammer #30k #remembrancersretreat#hardforheresy #podcast #warmongers #daemons #Patreon

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