Battlefleet Heresy: Void Warfare in the Age of Darkness

Don your monocles and prepare yourselves for death in the Void, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Within these two tomes, you will find rules for waging war in the depths of space during the Horus Heresy and Great Crusade era!

Here, you will find full rules for every heresy-era ship along with rules for each Legion, special heresy missions, and rules for waging campaigns between the stars in the 31st Millenium! There’s even rules for the pioneering fleets of the Rogue Trader’s Militant! For more experienced BFG players we also have included the H33 advanced attack craft rules, and rules for playing BFG/BFH using alternating activations.
Clocking in at over 150 pages, this is the definitive guide to Battlefleet: Heresy. Good Hunting!

The Magos and Adepts at the Remembrancer’s Retreat have worked tirelessly to bring you Book Two of our latest ruleset for Mechanicum and Dark Mechanicum Fleets! Also included are Great Crusade Campaign rules for duking it out with Xenos, Non-Compliant Humans, as well as Horrors of Old Night!

Latest Versions:
Book 1: 5.0.4 – Typos and small image issues
Book 2: 5.0.3 – minor typos
Version Legend: (X.Y.Z) X-Major Changes, Y-New Content, Z-Typo Edits


  1. Check out the Richmond 30K Facebook page and ask around! Plenty of people here have fleets and would love to take them out for a spin!

  2. Question: may all ships with torpedo tubes carry boarding torpedoes? Or only such ships with Astartes crew? If the latter, may such ships without an Astartes crew take boarding torpedoes as an upgrade (e.g., +5 points)?

  3. Such an awesome book, thanks so much for doing this beauty up (as well as answering my questions so quickly the other day). An amazing starting point for new and returning players … BFH is a 3D printers dream.

    Cheers from Canada’s south west

  4. A a couple of questions about Rogue Trader Militant (RTM) fleet composition:

    (1) Do RTM fleets have to comply with the normal, general fleet command/composition rules (e.g., Special Rules, p.5; Fleet Command, p.6; Fleets of the Great Crusade, pp.8-9)?

    (2) Assuming the answer to the first question is yes, do Heavy/Superheavy Transports (listed in their respective profiles as “Cruisers”) count as cruisers for purposes of RTM fleet composition (e.g., “One Battleship may be included for every 3 cruisers in the Fleet, per 1,000 points”; “A fleet may include one Grand Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, or Battle Cruiser per 2 Cruisers”)?

    Any clarification is appreciated!

    1. No, their fleet comp rules are purely self-contained. Yes this means you can have a battleship with just a swarm of escorts in a sufficently large game. Our thought process is a RTM gets ships via personal finances/reputation, not by assignment with an eye to an overarching fleet doctrine. So the pull that could get him a trio of cruisers couldd also maybe get him a battleship. But he’d have to be MUCH more important to get both of those things.

  5. In the Battlebarge listing, it says “add launch bays” instead of swapping launch bays for weapons batteries like the bombard option, is this correct? You get both weapon batteries and launch bays?

  6. IDK if someone already mentioned this but the Heretic and Siluria Light Cruisers & Stalwart Minekeeper aren’t in the fleet list and the Executor Grand Cruiser doesn’t have a fleet entry.

    1. Additionally how does the unconventional escort for Rogue Traders being an upgrade for the Dark Age/Xenos systems table work exactly? If you can choose it instead of something off the table then a requisitioned escort + xenos systems + being able to choose costs 40pts rather than the 50pts for the fleet entry so I don’t really understand

    1. Great work guys!
      Do battle, heavy and grand cruisers count as cruisers when purchasing a battleship for a Great Crusade fleet, as with battlecruisers in the original BFG Imperial fleet lists? Or is it only for actual cruisers, as written? Having a go at making a battlescribe file for the Astartes, and wanted to confirm.

  7. The night lords designers notes states:

    Designer’s Note: Commanding The Eighth
    In the 31st Millennium, Nova Cannons are not commonplace like they are in the 41st. They were experimental
    weapons at this time, and only two legions (both with a reputation for insane amounts of firepower) had access to
    them. The Nova Cannon is a powerful, shipborne artillery weapon that can disrupt enemy formations and
    devastate squadrons of tightly packed ships.
    While the Nova Cannon requires some guesswork and some practice to master (there is no pre-measuring in BFG),
    it is a powerful tool for Admirals who prefer long range combat. Beware that ships with Nova Cannons confer a +1
    bonus to enemy boarding parties.
    Unlike their more aggressive counterparts, the Iron Warriors, the Imperial Fists also gain a small defensive bonus
    when properly positioned, allowing them to better draw in the enemy before punishing them in retu

    Is this a mistake?

  8. Hello!
    Thank you for such great project!

    But can you please help with Mimic Drive rule? In Refits states that ship with Mimic can’t be targeted until fire or at 30cm. In Designer Note added that if all ships in fleet with Mimic they cant be targeted at all until hostilities (what it mean, cant be targeted even in 30cm until fire?) But in Legion fleet rules noted that cant be targeted only when equipped all ships. This contradicts others.

    Can you clear please? If only part ships with mimic can they be targeted until fired? And what bonus added if all ships in fleet with Mimics.

    Thank you!

    1. Look for the New Recruit app. Excellent little app much better and user friendly compared to Battlescribe.

  9. The Eternal Crusader does not seem to have any additional rules unlike the other Glorianas. Was this intentionall?

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